Can anybody find a viable answer to this question?

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PunKing's picture
Can anybody find a viable answer to this question?

I was in my SRT class, which is basically a 30 minute study time in my school. My friend, who is a Christian was sitting next to me talking about something off topic. But I threw up the question, what would you do if all records of the bible were eliminated, destroyed and couldn't be recorded? She responded, "Well we would rewrite it." I brought up the point where it wouldn't be the same exact religion, considering its highly improbable to remember every line in the bible word for word. She then proceeded to say my thinking was stupid, and left the class. So I was wondering if my question is actually a good point against Christianity or religion in general?

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Travis Hedglin's picture
The religious wouldn't find
Chuck Rogers's picture
God said His word would
ImFree's picture
ImFree's picture
Michee's picture
They can just re-write it for
DanDare's picture
Constantine. He ordered the
tmhausler's picture
This is a valid argument, in
Chuck Rogers's picture
If it were at all possible
Nyarlathotep's picture
Chuck Rogers's picture
I know that destroying God's
ThePragmatic's picture
Interesting how you keep
ThePragmatic's picture
No reply?
tmhausler's picture
Do you have evidence that
PunKing's picture
Well you see thats the thing,
Chuck Rogers's picture
There can only be one God!
ImFree's picture
Double Fulfilling!!!
Chuck Rogers's picture
What is your point. There are
ImFree's picture
The Bible is nothing but a
Chuck Rogers's picture
You apparently don't do much
ImFree's picture
Ahhhh.....just like I
ImFree's picture
In reference to your
Chuck Rogers's picture
The Bible shows us how much
ImFree's picture
Religious drivel…been there
PunKing's picture
ImFree did you by chance pick
ImFree's picture
I pulled that info off the
ImFree's picture
I'm a big Dawkins fan as well
ImFree's picture
Have you seen this Dillahunty
PunKing's picture
Dawkins and Hitchens are both
ImFree's picture
Yes, unfortunately his
ImFree's picture
Food for thought: wonder what


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