Calling out Fred.K : put your logic where your mouth is!

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ImFree's picture
Calling out Fred.K : put your logic where your mouth is!

I’m calling out Fred.K : Previously known aliases include: "Kenny Schweiger", "Kenny", "myself", "alleycat", "richardd", "Christopher", "marken", "punkin", "amber", "Simon".

You previously asserted in the debate forum:Atheist/Theist Political Views :“I disagree with some of your bullshit especially with regards to woman issues.”

With all due respect, I challenge you to put your logic where your mouth is and defend your sexist assertion or wimp out. : ) Let the fun begin : )

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Austin- LIke your picture---
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I'm I gonna need a bowl of
ImFree's picture
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ImFree-You Takin to me--You
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While your at it, don’t
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(No subject)
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To be fair, there are a

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