Buddhist ways.

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Austin Hodge's picture
Buddhist ways.

Okay, now I've been looking into Buddhist routines (Meditation and such) and I've seen that it isn't all bull.. Whenever I meditated, I legitimately felt more without stress than before. And this got me thinking, are the Buddhist routines actually effective? Could it be that one belief in the world isn't total B.S and could actually have some effectiveness behind it? I mean, I know the whole "Buddha rising to the heavens" thing is a bit far from the truth, but the teachings seem to be rather effective. It promotes finding inner peace with one's self and peace with the world around you, I dig that (but I would never go full Buddhist).

So, I'm asking all you atheists out there, do you think Buddhist techniques are effective in the way they claim they are?

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AlphaLogica157's picture
Well Buddhism is not a
hermitdoc's picture
I will fully admit that I
AlphaLogica157's picture
hermitdoc's picture
Your statement was this
hermitdoc's picture
I’ve reviewed 4 of the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
@: SAM
hermitdoc's picture
I am clearly not doing a good
Nyarlathotep's picture
I wish you would post more
ThePragmatic's picture
I would suggest you read Sam
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yes SAM, Sam Harris is a
dkinder's picture
I will simply give you my
Mangal Das's picture
New Studies Shows Yoga and
hermitdoc's picture
I so hate to belabor my prior
Mangal Das's picture
Dear Sam,
hermitdoc's picture
It is true that I am an anti
Mangal Das's picture
Problem is not "what we know
Nyarlathotep's picture
pure hogwash
hermitdoc's picture
My last post disappeared.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Very interesting reply.
hermitdoc's picture
Ah...the "you're not being
Austin Hodge's picture
For the record: never did I
Mangal Das's picture
Dear Austin ,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mangal Das - 'For example
Mangal Das's picture
Dear Nyarlathotep,
Nyarlathotep's picture
I don't know why my post went
Mangal Das's picture
You are still living in era
Nyarlathotep's picture
If you find it at location A,
Mangal Das's picture
Mr. Nyarlathotep,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh what a difference a day
CyberLN's picture
It's interesting that someone

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