The Boy Scouts Are Inching Closer To Accepting Girls But Not Atheists

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xenoview's picture
The Boy Scouts Are Inching Closer To Accepting Girls But Not Atheists

Making some progress with the leadership of the boy scouts.

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MCDennis's picture
That would certainly make

That would certainly make camp outs more fun then when I was in the scouts

LogicFTW's picture
I dunno why but I think it is

I dunno why but I think it is kind of awesome organizers of boy scouts are more terrified of atheist then the idea of letting girls into boy scouts.

I actually feel most all little kids are atheist, they just mimic and parrot what their parents and peers and teachers say. Little kids for the most part do not yet really examine on a strong level all the religious stuff, and truly form their own opinion on it. They just want to go play.

algebe's picture
This is all very ironic

This is all very ironic considering the probable sexual orientation of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts and author of "Scouting for Boys."

Sky Pilot's picture
There's a story in the

There's a story in the LATimes about how the Crips and the Bloods gangs in LA got started because a whites only Boy Scout troop wouldn't let black kids join. So who knows what the consequences will be by denying atheist kids into the club?

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