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William G Peter's picture

Believe, Born Again & Difference between Believe & Born Again.

What's belief?
Accepting something as true without an evidence as it's an universal meaning but any body can believe on anything but it's an object subject to prove. Believe can either be true or untrue until or otherwise Proven.

How Does a BELIEVE function?
Believe is an invisible element of mind that function in brain and I can explain through an illustration for better understanding & Proof.
If I say, ‘the sea is pink color’ what would you do?

You can believe it may be pink color or you would demand a proof and take an action by WALKING to the shore and verify whether the claim is true or not, now WALKING plays vital role to verify the claim.

If I say, “JESUS is God born as a Son of God”, then you should to have to believe or reject or you should have to verify that claim. But to verify the claim you have only one vital tool that’s BELIEVE, now when u start believing as it function in the mind and come to the point during the course of believes wherein there’s an exit of a Spirit that hold the stability of the brain intact and in stead the HOLY SPIRIT enter and restore the stability of the brain as it happens in accordance with what JESUS has said in His New Testament, called BORN AGAIN etc.,

Therefore, in the case of a former ‘WALKING’ is an action that led one to verify whether the sea is pink color or not, once u verified then there’s no need for a claim to be debated. Similarly in the case of a later ‘BELIEVE’ is an action that led one to verify whether GOD exist or not, once it’s verified thereafter there’s no need belief to be debated.
WALKING & BELIEVING are the vital tools to verify an evidence of a TRUTH.

“Believe, Born Again and the difference between Believe and Born Again” Believe is a word, very often used in our day to day conversations but it is an element of mind that function in our brain and can come to the point of Born Again in an individual, thus God can be seen, known and understood. God, we mean the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, His only begotten Son, Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus told to Nicodemus, you must be born again,

What is meant to be born again?
Why need to be born again?

The way human beings are born into the world is not Godly and that there is a need, to be born again. The way men are born into the world is through an action, simply sexual relations that are being done either in darkness or in secret and it is not God intended, whereas, God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.

Though Nicodemus was an expert on religious laws but unaware of this particular word and demanded more clarifications and Jesus explained in John 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Born Again involves Spiritual Activity as a human being, people are familiar with the departure of a Spirit that exist in the physical body, resulting death but in the Born Again there is an arrival of the Spirit into the physical body as these two events departure and arrival takes place in an individual physical body simultaneously, one by one and there is no time in between. In a time of twinkling of an eye born again happens and no one knows except the one who go through born again.

Christians say that being a Born Again is a believer and being a believer is Born Again as incorrectly, former Christians Dr.Bart Erhman,Dan Baker, President, Freedom From Religion Foundation(FFRF) says that they were born again Christian but failed to understand born again and we are provided the difference between a believer and a born again.


Believe/Faith Born Again

Philosophy. Psychology
Holy Spirit is not needed. Holy Spirit is needed
Matters of God is Speculative. Matters of God is NOT Speculative.
Can't demo death and resurrection Can demo resurrection from death
Can't fulfil the word of Jesus. Can fulfil the word of Jesus.
Applicable to all Applicable only to Witnesses of Christ
Is Not a temple of God. Is a temple of God
Satan also believe. Satan can't born Again

We are New Testament Activists (NTA) determined to prove the God Evidence by both words and deeds, not interested to convert anyone from their respective positions as the Gate to the Gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ has been closed.

Questions can be addressed to
William G.Peter

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ThePragmatic's picture
@ Peter

@ Peter

Again you claim to have "Proof of GOD/JESUS", and again you deliver nothing.

I give you the same quote I did a few days ago:

Being told I must believe something before I can receive evidence for the belief is one of the most disingenuous demands I can imagine.

- Anthony Magnabosco

(I have to ammend to my earlier statement about you)
Peter, you are an excellent example of such a Christian who claims to have proof, then just give anecdotes, quotes from unsubstanciated and self contradictory ancient texts, or simply just claim that you must believe first in order to receive the evidence.

William G Peter's picture
I begin from your last syntax

I begin from your last syntax, yes one has to begin by believing as 1st step though believe is either true or untrue, if so what's the issue of believing? if you believe then you would come to know whether your believe is either true or untrue, if you refuse to believe then how do you come to know either true or untrue? Therefore believe is a 1st step which would lead you to Evidence as a last step, thereafter there's no need of any sort of believe when comes to GOD of the Bible and eventually one become a witness of GOD. Thus being a witness of GOD I have proof and that's why I explain, if you're unable to understand then there's no issue you can respond to my challenge as a BORN AGAIN never DEAD AGAIN, so you're welcome to take action to destroy the one who claim BORN AGAIN so as to see that he cant be DEAD AGAIN. So, what else you want further to the evidence of GOD? If you say that you still insist for an evidence then it's proven that you failed to understand these explanation in that scenario you can wait & watch the GOD of the Holy Bible descends on the mount Olivet in your life time.

Kataclismic's picture
What you are describing is

What you are describing is confirmation bias. If you want to believe something you can also believe that there are all sorts of evidence for what you want to believe. The caveat is that you can't prove something true or untrue in your own mind, you need outside (or objective) reference. It's like when people say they've proven evolution wrong. Well, who did they prove it to? Because if you prove something to yourself you really haven't proven it at all.

I think this is why believers come here. You want to prove something to us so that you can believe it guilt free, then when you fail to prove it you blame us. This tactic is no better. You aren't going to get people to believe you have something without presenting it first, unless they are about four, so I wouldn't bother with this crowd.

Peter George's picture
I appreciate your point of

I appreciate your point of "outside reference", that's good. See, believe is just a beginning and it should lead into an evidence as last that happens in the mind only, the reason is that believe is an invisible entity functions in brain which housing many faculties, therefore proof of God has to be find only in mind but only subjectively and same might be proven objectively as in the case of JESUS you can note. But please be informed that I'm not come here as a believer but a witness of GOD of the Bible, therefore I can testify effectively and when time comes i can also physically demonstrate God as described in the book of Revelation.

Kataclismic's picture
I should let this go but

I should let this go but since I am unable I shall have to apologize to The Pragmatic for hijacking his conversation ... again.

My post was in relation to truth, Peter. You want to talk about belief and how that is limited to your own mind. I concede this point. I have absolutely no concern or responsibility for what you believe. What I have concern for is what basis you have for your beliefs when you try to tell me they are truth. If you can give me a reasonable basis, then I can make an attempt to consider what you are saying.

But, if this is too difficult perhaps you could start with The Pragmatic's question.

Peter George's picture
I think you're not yet figure

I think you're not yet figure out what do I mean by Born Again?

I haven't proposed any sort of belief and I'm not a believer though.

What's belief?

Belief is an object subject to proof. Hope you agree. If so, any person who have belief or believing something as true is responsible to find out the proof which I mean as truth, if anybody found the truth then he eventually becomes a witness of the truth and no longer bound by beliefs which becomes obsolete.

Therefore in my case a believer is suppose to become a Born Again which's truth because a born again never dead again that's testable & verifiable.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Peter

@ Peter

Peter: "I haven't proposed any sort of belief..."

Really? I sure got that impression...

Peter: "God can be seen, known and understood. God, we mean the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, His only begotten Son, Lord Jesus Christ."

It seems to me that you are proselytizing for Christianity. At least some specific flavor of it.

- "What's belief?"

Peter: "Belief is an object subject to proof."
Peter: "Believe is an invisible element of mind that function in brain"
Peter: "Accepting something as true without an evidence"

So is it an object subject to proof or an invisible element of mind or to accept something without evidence? You sometimes contradict yourself within the same sentence.

Where exactly are you getting your definitions of terms like "belief", "born again", "witness".
Tehy seem very fluid.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Peter

@ Peter

I know it's probably a waste of time to try to reason with you, since you only seem to reiterate the same statements. But I still want to give an attempt at getting somewhere...

A simple question, do you agree or disagree:

To increase the likelyhood of getting correct information - are there ways that are more reliable and are there other ways that are less reliable to do that?

chimp3's picture
Peter: I do not believe you.

Peter: I do not believe you.

William G Peter's picture
Friend, Did I ask u to

Friend, Did I ask u to believe me? All I ask you & atheists is that to understand my explanation, if you lack understanding then it's not an issue you can take action to destroy the BORN AGAIN who never DEAD AGAIN and if you destroyed then you're right but if you failed to do then you're wrong. Fine?

chimp3's picture
I understood you Peter, I do

I understood you Peter, I do not believe your claims . I do not believe you can not be harmed and I would not test your claim by trying to harm you. Are you into pain ? You keep asking us to try and hurt you. Perhaps you need to find and S + M forum.

William G Peter's picture
Since, you say there's no

Since, you say there's no evidence for GOD you should have to try the provision provided in the Bible and act on me as this's how JESUS replied to people who insisted for a sign back then, therefore without such test you're not suppose to say here's no evidence for GOD of the Bible, if you still say there's no evidence for God then it's construed you're a foolish community.

CyberLN's picture
"if you still say there's no

"if you still say there's no evidence for God then it's construed you're a foolish community."

Oh, peter, peter, peter....holier than thou lately?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Peter - to verify the claim

Peter - to verify the claim you have only one vital tool that’s BELIEVE

LOL you can't "verify" it unless you already believe it! We could have told you that Peter...

William G Peter's picture
Believing is a medium only

Believing is a medium only through this one can come to know either something is true or untrue when comes to GOD b/c God is an invisible entity should have to be known only through an invisible faculty like believe. hope you agree Iron only sharpens Iron, Is not it?

biggus dickus's picture
Yeah Peter I believe you.

Yeah Peter I believe you. Brain study proves your believe. It proves how responsible the brains dopamine reward system is to spiritual experiences. Not surprisingly it also shows how the rational part of your brain goes inactive during these experiences. This is by no means limited to one religion either it happens with all religions. But you don't even need a religion to experience these it can also be achieved with brain stimulation or even easier cannabis.

William G Peter's picture
Thank you but it's not to

Thank you but it's not to believe me but to understand the Proof of God of the Bible. Believe is just a 1st step and an evidence is a last step., thereafter there's no need to believe but a person concerned would become a witness of GOD so as to testify effectively both in word and in deed.

biggus dickus's picture
Yeah Peter I believe you.

Yeah Peter I believe you. Brain study proves your believe. It proves how responsible the brains dopamine reward system is to spiritual experiences. Not surprisingly it also shows how the rational part of your brain goes inactive during these experiences. This is by no means limited to one religion either it happens with all religions. But you don't even need a religion to experience these it can also be achieved with brain stimulation or even easier cannabis.

CyberLN's picture
Peter, this is a serious

Peter, this is a serious question. What is your goal for posting here at AR? What to you hope to achieve?

William G Peter's picture
Thanks for your seriousness I

Thanks for your seriousness I appreciate. I'm here to share my testimony of GOD of the Holy Bible and His existence being a witness of GOD, my explanation are evidence if anyone understand and in case if they're lacking understanding capability then they can have an option to test & verify GOD of the Bible who indwells me therefore there's no power can destroy me as Proof of existence of GOD that might be carried out if any one stick to Revelation 11:5 as such the Bible provides methodology to test & verify GOD.

If you're holding any position in AR you're requested to take up these matters into your higher authorities and give me an opportunity in your meetings so as to present my case of Evidence of GOD and proving God of the Bible is my business in AR.

Hope you understand why I'm here in AR. Thank you, WG.Peter.

CyberLN's picture
But what do you hope to

But what do you hope to achieve by doing so?

William G Peter's picture
I just made available the

I just made available the evidence of GOD of the Holy Bible to the Atheists, there shall not be anyone who would say I don't know these evidences that's what I wanted to achieve and I'm doing it.

CyberLN's picture
Peter, I'm trying,

Peter, I'm trying, unsuccessfully thus far, to get you to tell us the bottom line of what you want from this. You don't want us to be able to say we don't know these evidences you think you have presented. What I keep hearing folks say to you, that you don't seem to get, is that what you are presenting is NOT acceptable evidence. What's in this for you? WHY are you here posting about your personal experiences?

Peter George's picture
Oh, you misunderstand my

Oh, you misunderstand my friend, what I have presented here is an evidence which you failed to understand that's why it's not seems to you an evidence as I know pretty well, what i'm posting here is not my experience but an event that took place in me and the same prompted me to present here as an evidence and also I can present my physical body as an Immortal so as to test & verify as described by the Bible when an appropriate time comes. Even I tried to draw attention of atheist Republic authorities so as to participate in one of their meeting and make challenges but there's no responses, that's why I'm here to post.

biggus dickus's picture
Wait we have not fall on our

Wait we have not fallen on our knees and repented, so he must have said his magic spell wrong the first phew times. ABRAHA FUCKKNG KEDABRA. still nothing.

mykcob4's picture
What a bunch of

What a bunch of unsubstantiated horse shit! Prove that jesus isn't dead. Fucking Prove it!

William G Peter's picture
JESUS was dead but

JESUS was dead but resurrected after 3 days back then, the same I can repeat in the vicinity of the whole world if you're able to make the world know about it, so as to prove, Alright?

chimp3's picture
Peter is threatening us again

Peter is threatening us again.

William G Peter's picture
It's not about threatening

It's not about threatening but test & verifying existence of GOD that may cost your life if you try to test anywhere other than city of Jerusalem but in Jerusalem if you test as/Revelation 11:5 then you might be spared.

MCDennis's picture
Prove it. I am not convinced

Prove it. I am not convinced


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