Bishops to hold conference on lack of belief in real presence

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
Bishops to hold conference on lack of belief in real presence

OK guys, you can have fun with this one.

You can tell Bishops Barber and Barron that I have the answer to their question on the Eucharist.

I USED to believe in the real presence, but the poops, the cardinals, the bishops the priests, Bill Donahue and their support of our predator in chief and the pedophiles, the deliberate mistranslation of the Creed, the vatican’s Show Them No Mercy Prayer which advocates murdering wives on trumped up adultery charges and reiterates that Jesus was Mary Magdalene’s pimp, the Knights of Columbus, Jean Vianny, and Kavanaugh have all thoroughly convinced me. The Eucharist is nothing more than a symbol of the sanctity of their penises. I WILL NOT TOUCH IT!


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Whitefire13's picture
When my boys ask me questions
boomer47's picture
OH dear, transubstantiation ,
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Joy--'s picture
“...and gasp is what any
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It's a pity, I use generally
Joy--'s picture
“It's a pity, I use to really
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As someone holding up a
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So let me digest his. Over 2
boomer47's picture
boomer47's picture
Joy--'s picture
“Now you're just being
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@ Joy
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I haven't heard Kumbaya in
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“It can't be good for a man
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@ Joy
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Joy "It’s interesting to me
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*cough* Christians stole
Joy--'s picture
“*cough* Christians stole
Lion IRC's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Jo and Lyin
Lion IRC's picture
@Old man shouts...
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Lion
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: To Lyin' Heart
Lion IRC's picture
Nope. King of Salem.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Lion
Tin-Man's picture
@Lamb in Lion's Clothes Re:
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Joyless


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