Big population or not?

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Terminal Dogma's picture
Big population or not?

As I understand economics given push for big populations with the idea more people = more income = more tax revenue = more services etc.

I think this was some motivation to allow the latest wave of migrants/refugees etc into euro.

Sounds simple given white people are below replacement value mostly in the West.

I think it was an error in that a lot of these migrants are going to prove mainly low skilled and will drain more welfare than the wealth they will generate.


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Alembé's picture
Your post could be taken as
Terminal Dogma's picture
Then every western Gov must
David Killens's picture
@Terminal Dogma
Terminal Dogma's picture
Has Canada accumulated enough
algebe's picture
As birthrates fall and
Sapporo's picture
Bryan Caplan wrote an article
Terminal Dogma's picture
Wow that guy just wants more
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@Terminal Dogma: he is a
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Good questions I have no
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@Terminal Dogma: I have heard
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I actually can't tell if you
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Terminal Dogma's picture
@sushi I don't get a lot of
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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sushi
Sheldon's picture
Another brilliant post. I
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@ Sheldon *Applauds*
Sushisnake's picture
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To many Ayn Rand readers
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WTF is "..shape shifting
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TermDog wasn't clear but I
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Tin-Man's picture
@Sushi Re: "Have you seen
algebe's picture
Terminal Dogma: but that's
ZeffD's picture
I'm unconvinced of the
Terminal Dogma's picture
Good points, ignorant
LogicFTW's picture
@topic being discussed


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