The Big Bang Happened

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FievelJ's picture
The Big Bang Happened

It wasn't like an actual explosion, but did expand faster than anything can travel within it.
Things I learn from research. I have never found however any evidence of a god ever existing.

I guess that's why I hang out on here.

But Religious people often come on here, and think they know better with no evidence.

I ain't going on faith alone.

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Cognostic's picture
Stoned again hun!
FievelJ's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Fievel Mousekewitz - Yet
Cognostic's picture
@Fievel: What in the hell
FievelJ's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Fievel Mousekewitz: Then
Whitefire13's picture
He found an herb (plant??? -
FievelJ's picture
Cognostic's picture
@White: Must have been all
algebe's picture
Big Bang
FievelJ's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Fievel Mousekewitz: This
FievelJ's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Fievel: Already the good
Homergreg's picture
"The universe is everything."
Cognostic's picture
"correct" Everything we
Homergreg's picture
I read the article linked. I
Cognostic's picture
When you assume "U make an
Homergreg's picture
I did ask. Apparently I didn
Cognostic's picture
RE: I did ask! Good for
Homergreg's picture
Great, I still would
Nyarlathotep's picture
The universe being everything
Homergreg's picture
What about multiverses then?
Whitefire13's picture
Homer, oh Hoser - google
Homergreg's picture
I know multiverse is
dogalmighty's picture
Everything we know the truth
Homergreg's picture
I'm not trying to even imply
dogalmighty's picture
So you now want me to forget
Homergreg's picture
I'm not asking you to. I'm
dogalmighty's picture
...and hence why I posted


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