Biblical Prophecies are fraudulent works of Empire - historically speaking

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Rob Beasley's picture
Biblical Prophecies are fraudulent works of Empire - historically speaking

If you wanted to restore peace to a pond, It would be better to convince the stone thrower of the error of his ways, rather than try and deal with the ripples.

Three key Biblical stories are allegedly prophetic. The Book of Isaiah, The Book of Daniel and The Book of Revelations.

Yet there is emerging evidence with scholarly support that they are not prophesies at all. Rather they were written after the fact. But why?
The answer. To support the ambitions of Empire.

If this can be proven. Judaism, Christianity and Islam may be found to be on very shaky grounds.

Let's see shall we.

First the Book of Isaiah.

Most scholars for at least the past 100 years or so agree that the Book of Isaiah was written in three parts. They suggest that at least two of those parts were not written when the Bible suggests they were but around 538BC or later. This just happens to be the time that one of the key actors within the Book of Isaiah was in Babylon liberating the Jewish Captives. That person, listed as a Saviour of the enslaved Jewish people, was known as Cyrus the Great. A major empire builder, back in the day.

Now, if you asked a Samaritan, what he thought of the returning Jewish people, he'd most likely tell you, that they brought back a new version of their traditions.

But, where it gets interesting, and we start to see a common pattern, is with the 1800's discovery of the Cyrus Cylinder. On this cylinder we are told that Cyrus liberated the Babylonians just two years earlier in 540BC and just like in the Book of Isaiah, Cyrus is cast as a good friend of the locals god. In the Babylonians case it was Marduk. In the captive Jewish folks case it was Yahweh. It's also in the Book of Isaiah, part 2, that Yahweh is identified as the supreme God of Gods.

This is but 1 or 5 related events, that may challenge the notion that prophecies and miracles are a part of human reality. Don't you just love history :-)

To be continued ...

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efpierce's picture
To be continued? Come on, it
Rob Beasley's picture
I'm not convinced :-) But
mysticrose's picture
Those were really interesting
Rob Beasley's picture
Ahhh... but wait there is
mysticrose's picture
Really? What is it? Can't
mattyn's picture
Spill the beans man! Where is
Rob Beasley's picture
History, read it. :-)
Rob Beasley's picture
Oh... A clue. It's all
Zaphod's picture
This is actually all very
Rob Beasley's picture
And now for some light
Zaphod's picture
Cool video, Good for her!
Rob Beasley's picture
Ok. Here's the rest of the
Rob Beasley's picture
Ok. Take 2. You have a 15
ginamoon's picture
Lots of information on this
Rob Beasley's picture
Well, if you like information
Zaphod's picture
So Rob, was this all just an
Rob Beasley's picture
The preview and full theory
Zaphod's picture
Fair enough, I like that you
Zaphod's picture
Ok, everyones a critic, so I
Rob Beasley's picture
Thanks for taking the time to
Rob Beasley's picture
What, I don't get from your
SammyShazaam's picture
I've read the Bible several

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