Biblical events Downunder

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Grinseed's picture
Biblical events Downunder

Australia. Beautiful one day, roaring inferno the next....drowning floods the day after...and then come the snakes.

And not a single god blessed snake handler to be found amongst our unique breed of Pentacostalists. What a waste.

And to top it all off, in the usually sunny state of Queensland, the floods have carried crocodiles out of the rainforest beyond their usual abodes.

There are reports of crocodiles in the streets and in front yards, common enough in Queensland but not as a single widespread event. There are stories of one crocodile trying to climb a tree to escape the water and another of a guy who found a crocodile taking refuge on the roof of his house. He had wondered why the possums were so quiet that night.

Egypt had it easy.

And our Pentecostal Pharaoh, touring the flooded areas, hardened his heart against any suggestions that the recent disasters had anything at all to do with climate change, preferring to concentrate on this fortuitous photo-op that it is hoped will deflect attention away from criticisms against his government's mismanagement and corruption.

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Morriscum and the whole crew
boomer47's picture
Floods and snakes and
Tin-Man's picture
@Cranky Re: "...young woman
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cranky
boomer47's picture
@ Old man shouts; I stand
Cognostic's picture
As long as the cockatoos are
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog
Cognostic's picture
Old man shouts ...
alexseen's picture
I wanted to buy Ethereum to

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