The Bible Violates YouTube's Community Guidelines Should It Be Banned?

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trustyoursources's picture
The Bible Violates YouTube's Community Guidelines Should It Be Banned?

The Bible Violates YouTube Community Guidelines, Hate Speech Subsection (Specifically Leviticus 20:13). Should YouTube ban it? What will be the fallout? If it is not banned should YouTube change the rules to allow it or should they make a special exception for it.

My opinion on the topic in depth -

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Tin-Man's picture
If they ban the bible, they
trustyoursources's picture
I disagree almost no works of
In Spirit's picture
xenoview's picture
If the bible has hate speech,
trustyoursources's picture
Why not just allow hate
David Killens's picture
xenoview's picture
Do you approve of hate speech
trustyoursources's picture
No I don’t approve of it I
algebe's picture
@Xenoview: Do you approve of
Cognostic's picture
@trustyoursources: "That is
David Killens's picture
A grandfather clause is a
trustyoursources's picture
Should be called the
David Killens's picture
Please explain why this well
trustyoursources's picture
You find my opinion fascistic
LostLocke's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Re: LostLocke's comment
trustyoursources's picture
They are a private company
Tin-Man's picture
@TYS Re: "If rules are in
trustyoursources's picture
Cry* Why wont the world be
In Spirit's picture
Fahrenheit 451 and old but

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