Believing In Ghosts But Not Religion? Let's Discuss

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Stu. K.'s picture
Believing In Ghosts But Not Religion? Let's Discuss

Hiya there everybody! Today I'd like to discuss "Is it 'ok' to believe in ghosts, but not any religion"? Now before you start turning your head, I'd like to provide 3 little pieces of possible proof...? that they might exist.

So my family and this family who are hugely religious longer than I can remember. We hang out oh so often, etc. etc. and looking back, I remember them having quite some stories that actually make me believe that there could be. NOW!! Even though they are Christians, they NEVER EVER lie (you know what I mean by that statement), they never ever push religion on anybody, its just, they're some of the best and most reasonable Christians you would ever meet. So I reallyyyyy don't think they'd be lying about these things, and I think you guys would think the same if you knew them for some time.
-A now 18 year talked about how he saw an Indian ghost in their basement, and so they did a litle research, and turns out we are living on this place that was once an Indian Reservation :O!

-One of the 18 year old's friends said he was sleeping over at the 18 year old's house (our religious friends families house), and went to the bathroom or something (forgot exactly) and saw the 18 year olds dad going there, so he said "Hey (dads name)!" And the "ghost" didn't do anything but just stand there, so he just went back up and went to bed. And he asked the dad or something in the morning, and said he wasn't down there.

-The mom of this family talked once about when she was at the funeral for my sister, when she died, she saw trees turning different colors, and lights becoming different or something similar?

Now because of how smart y'all are, I know I'm going to be called stupid and get my ass kicked in a debate, can you please go easy on me and tell me how I'm wrong? What's flawed with this "evidence" and whatnot? And lastly, am I simply being stupid and gullible for believing that ghosts can even possibly exist? Thanks y'all! :D

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cmallen's picture
Sorry if I missed something,
rbrigman's picture
Good afternoon
Stu. K.'s picture
Welp I feel stupid now. Is
cmallen's picture
Or, instead of deleting it
rbrigman's picture
Nutmeg's picture
Did you know that there's no
Travis Hedglin's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
In my opinion, the belief in
science's picture
The humsnd mind is a powerful
Nutmeg's picture
It could be an evolutionary
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right, humans are masters of
Nutmeg's picture
I would have thought that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I do not believe in ghosts
Nordic Fox's picture
Many "ghost sightings" can be
science's picture
Hi Nordic...I agree with you
Nyarlathotep's picture
We live in a complicated
Stu. K.'s picture
Thanks y'all for the
ThePragmatic's picture
"@Pragmatic, isn't Deism
science's picture
Different subject/ same
Stu. K.'s picture
True, can't argue or debate
Stu. K.'s picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Stu. K. - "I guess my dillema
Travis Hedglin's picture
Well, now, I hate to break it
Nyarlathotep's picture
When I was in the Army we had
Travis Hedglin's picture
Indeed, we all are
Anonymous's picture
Reality, Travis, Nyarlathotep
Travis Hedglin's picture
That's some nice bait, but I
Stu. K.'s picture
Blasphemy actually made me
Kataclismic's picture
Sleepwalking. People can
Neighbourhood0's picture
First of all, I should say


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