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AJ777's picture

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David Killens's picture
So what are you saying, that
AJ777's picture
The argument from Bacon is
Nyarlathotep's picture
You must know that site is
Sheldon's picture
Thu, 01/17/2019 - 08:46
LostLocke's picture
The argument from spiders is
AJ777's picture
No, I’m completely serious.
arakish's picture
So you are unable to sum up
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
You might be serious lmao...
jay-h's picture
That site is a Christian site
AJ777's picture
You’re welcome
Sheldon's picture
""It doesn't make any sense,"
Cognostic's picture
STILL WAITING" (You know...
AJ777's picture
1. The origin of life on
LogicFTW's picture
Seems like a good list to me.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Well, I just love bacon. Home
arakish's picture
Old Man: "Why do theists
Sky Pilot's picture
Hitch's picture
Seriously what is argument
arakish's picture
Hitch: "Seriously what is
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arakish, Hitche and all....
chimp3's picture
I made a bacon baklava for
Sapporo's picture
Is the argument from
CyberLN's picture
It is to RatSpit.
Sheldon's picture
Well someone had to say it,
rat spit's picture
rat spit's picture
And may I take this moment to
Sky Pilot's picture
Some people can't eat bacon
rat spit's picture
*Ahem* And if everyone would
Hitch's picture
Well, then I suppose sex is
rat spit's picture
Not if you have an erection


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