How about a poll?
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Avant Brown: "It would be nice if you could start providing citations. What is you area of study? Perhaps you don't possess the faculties or experience needed to propose sensible arguments, and citations to substantiate your claims?"
According to you, the concept artificial intelligence has been around since 1958. Sorry, but you are wrong. Science Fiction beat science to the punch in 1927 with the movie Metropolis and the Wiki page.
When were you born? 2008? 2006?
I have studied computer science and simulated intelligence starting way back in 1979. Damn! Practically 40 years ago. Fuck me. Where the hell does the time go? However, I have studied many areas of science at the same time. Computer Science, Astrophysics (since 1969), Orbital Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics, Geography/Cartography, Geographic Information Science and Technology (I actually got the GIST), Geology, Geomorphic Deformations, Volcanology, Climatology. My actual Master's and Science Doctorate (ScD, not a true PhD) are in Volcanology and Global Climatology, respectively.
My specialty is not computer science and simulated intelligence. However, ever heard of "docking" windows? Me and a guy in Germany actually worked on writing the computer code that did that and sold the idea to Jasc Software, Inc., original makers of Paint Shop Pro. They had it first and everybody else copied it from there. Of course, since me and that guy sold it, others took the claim. He and I also separately sold it to other software companies, ending up making a fairly pretty penny on it. Let others get the credit. We got the money. ;-P
However, if we were to take a poll of ALL persons who have read your threads, who do you think would win? You, with your STEM PhD candidacy, and Wikipedia as your primary source; or Me, with nothing more than the knowledge I have learned over the last 40 years. Yes I have kept up with computer science. There just ain't much new to learn. Not overall.
Want to start a poll? Want to see who would win? And I would specifically ask everyone to keep any bias out of their vote. If you win, I shut up and let you proselytize all you want and I STFU!. If I win, you simply admit you are a New Age Religious Absolutist Apologist and YOU STFU!
You game?
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