Atheists, what is your explanation for incorruptible bodies?

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pork232's picture
Atheists, what is your explanation for incorruptible bodies?

Recently I went to Italy and saw a museum of Saints who had been dead for many years some of them for a couple hundred years, yet their bodies haven't decayed yet. An example is Pio Padre. This only seems to be the case with Christian people of faith. Have you ever heard of this concept, and how can you explain it? Why does it only seem to happen to Christians and not others?

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algebe's picture
Hello Pork222
ThePragmatic's picture
@ pork222
pork232's picture
@The Pragmatic, just out of
ThePragmatic's picture
I don't know really, I haven
Endri Guri's picture
chimp3's picture
Desiccation and turning to
Dergonstieff's picture
Algebe you should probably do
Truett's picture
Wow, Dergonstieff, to hear a
Nyarlathotep's picture
On the other hand the bodies
algebe's picture
@Dergonstiff: "it is just a
biggus dickus's picture
The reason the corpses look
xenoview's picture
Simple internet search turned
Sky Pilot's picture
That classifies as insanity.
MCDennis's picture
Dergonstieff's picture
I'm sorry Truett did you have
drxrrex10's picture
You did call another user


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Truett's picture
Dergonstieff, please read


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Dergonstieff's picture
If it's nonsense then look it
Sky Pilot's picture
When she becomes a zombie be
Calilasseia's picture
This probably has its roots
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "What is your explanation
Cognostic's picture
According to the Catholic
David Killens's picture
I need proof of just one
Flamenca's picture
It is simply astonishing that
Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Flame. Great
Flamenca's picture
Hey, Tin-Man!!! I even
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Flamenca
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: "I was going to


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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Flamenca's picture
@Old man... Awww, we weren't


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