Atheists!! WHAT IF......we ALL had absolute freedom?

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Tim Melnik's picture
Atheists!! WHAT IF......we ALL had absolute freedom?

Imagine to yourself that in the United States of America, there was NO longer a government. What would it be like? Would it be chaos, or would it be peaceful? Now there would no longer be a need for paying taxes, no need to work or go to school, no curfew annnnnd MORE freedom, sounds great right? But at the same time, we will have no police or military to protect us, there is no more justice system and no more punishing criminals. People are allowed to roam the streets and pillage and plunder, and there is no higher authority(Government) to stop them. Would anyone want to live in that kind of country......honestly? This is what unbelievers are like before God, they think they will be happier without someone telling them what to do. Yall are always asking, "why do we need a bible to teach us how to live". Why? Because it keeps everything running smoothly and in order, just like the government analogy. Those are just my two cents.

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Ellie Harris's picture
First let's start with you
Tim Melnik's picture
There NEEDS to be a god in
CyberLN's picture
Oh, Timmy, how amusing...
Tim Melnik's picture
"And, btw, everything after
CyberLN's picture
Oh for cryin' out loud! Your
CyberLN's picture
Still waiting for an answer
Notquitstormblade's picture
Each generation has passed
That's A Fallacy's picture
You, Tim Melnik, have just
Travis Hedglin's picture
The most atheistic countries
Tim Melnik's picture
Since when did health rates
Travis Hedglin's picture
What does atheistic societal
Tim Melnik's picture
I never said that atheists
Travis Hedglin's picture
A. We don't use the bible to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
When you make an analogy, it
Tim Melnik's picture
"Your analogy is flawed on
Tim Melnik's picture
here let me lay it out for
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I will show you how much
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
And if you are still in
Nyarlathotep's picture
Tim - "There NEEDS to be a
Tim Melnik's picture
No its just logical, just as
Nyarlathotep's picture
lol, so how complex is it? 15
Tim Melnik's picture
See for yourself, how
Nyarlathotep's picture
So you can't tell us either.
cmallen's picture
Wow, that is so conceited an
Spewer's picture
Tim Melnik advises us: "See
The antichrist's picture
Tim Melnik's picture
Are you serious? Who designed
ThePragmatic's picture
Are you seriously comparing
ThePragmatic's picture
You have already been
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Dam, that video is becoming


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