Atheistic Morals Baseless?

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UnKnown's picture
Atheistic Morals Baseless?

I have a theory that atheists get there morals by deciding whether an action is against someone in an unjust way, i.e. murder and theft. If it is, it is immoral. But if it harms no one unjustly or reasonably, it's moral i.e. homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Is this true? If not, where do atheists gain their morals? I am not using this as evidence that atheists are wrong, but merely to get information.

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BAACKJD's picture
Alembé's picture
Rather than rehash the
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - But if it harms no
Harry33Truman's picture
If it doesn't harm someone
algebe's picture
@Harry Truman
algebe's picture
The Golden Rule works for me.
BAACKJD's picture
Harry33Truman's picture
Wel wed have to deal with
Dave Matson's picture
chimp3's picture
If you get your morality from
Harry33Truman's picture
If you want to believe John
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
My morality comes from a
hermitdoc's picture
My morality stems from the
Valiya's picture
hermitdoc's picture
I do eat meat. I am an
bigbill's picture
morality evolves through time
BAACKJD's picture
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
You raised a difficult
Valiya's picture
Hi Algebe
algebe's picture
Hello Valiya
Valiya's picture
Hello Algebe
chimp3's picture
@valiya s sajjad : I do not
Valiya's picture
Hello Chimp 3
chimp3's picture
Morality based on god suffers
algebe's picture
Hello Valiya
Valiya's picture
Hello Algebe
chimp3's picture
@valliya s sajjad: All humans
Valiya's picture
@ Chimp 3
algebe's picture
Hello Valiya


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