As an atheist, whom you are against?

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atheister's picture
As an atheist, whom you are against?

As an atheist, whom you are against?
1) Gods?
2) Religion?
3) Theists?
4) Superstition?

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Mirta's picture
I'm against religion when it
dtommy79's picture
I'm religious but I agree. It
Zarathustra's picture
I'm against violation of
damanar's picture
As an atheist I am against no
mysticrose's picture
I agree with what Zarathustra
SammyShazaam's picture
Personally, I don't think I'm
Matty Arnold's picture
To be 'against' God would be
SammyShazaam's picture
Exactly. Atheists are not
Michael's picture
i live and let live...but
YAS's picture
As an a'theist instead of an
joflaherty's picture
I am against the bible. As
Rob's picture
Atheist or agnostic it doesnt
efpierce's picture
What bothers me is how fake
firebolt's picture
I am personally against
Zaphod's picture
As an atheist i am not really
mysticrose's picture
I can say that among the four
jdodify's picture
As an atheist I am against
Paul Hugo's picture
I'm just against extremism,
Zaphod's picture
Amen, my brother!
Lauren's picture
I agree extremism but at
James's picture
I am not against any of the
aphk93's picture
Of course i am against
SammyShazaam's picture
I think that rather than
Austin Elkins's picture
As an atheist I'm not against
SammyShazaam's picture
I've found it so weird to see
Unknowntyper's picture
Strangely worded question

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