Atheist USA President?

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relativetruth's picture
Atheist USA President?

Will the USA have an openly gay president,

Before an openly atheist one?

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CyberLN's picture
dogalmighty's picture
Well, hopefully at some point
algebe's picture
Gay president: James Buchanan
boomer47's picture
@Relaltive Truth
Cognostic's picture
We've already had one. Obama
boomer47's picture
CyberLN's picture


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Sheldon's picture
Hold the bus, Lincoln an
algebe's picture
@Sheldon: Please tell me
boomer47's picture
David Killens's picture
@ cranky47
algebe's picture
@David Killens: At least you
boomer47's picture
@ David
algebe's picture
@Cranky47: it wouldn't much
LogicFTW's picture
I was seriously considering a
algebe's picture
@Cranky47: But hey ,I'm only
Sheldon's picture
Algebe "the end of the
Cognostic's picture
Larry Sinclair wrote a book
NewSkeptic's picture
I think both Obama and Trump
algebe's picture
@Newskeptic I think both
NewSkeptic's picture
@Algebe Re: "They won't take
LogicFTW's picture
You think both trump and
NewSkeptic's picture
ronald bertram's picture
@Relative Truth
FievelJ's picture
If Bernie Sanders gets in, we
CyberLN's picture
I don’t care if a President
relativetruth's picture
Can I expand on my original
ronald bertram's picture
@Relative Truth

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