Atheist tsunami in Islam

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algebe's picture
Atheist tsunami in Islam

I found this article in a British newspaper. I wonder how many hidden atheists are trapped within the traditional religions because of family pressures, in the case of Islam, threats of physical violence.

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ImFree's picture
Encouraging and disappointing
Sky Pilot's picture
Islam is a peer pressure
Endri Guri's picture
Maybe there should be active
thereverent1's picture
Endri said: A highlight I got
Sky Pilot's picture
The Reverent One,
MCDennis's picture
Lots of people are trapped
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
There are plenty. I openly
xenoview's picture
They are stuck pretending to
mparvin's picture
I have tried so many times to
Pitar's picture
Perhaps a review would reveal
That guy over there's picture
Its pretty obvious, its just
LogicFTW's picture
I also feel atheism is an

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