Are you certain that you are in fact, an atheist? If so, please answer the following questions honestly.
1) Exactly how many grains of sand are present on just one (you choose which) of Hawaii's islands?
2) Exactly how many hairs can be found on the back of an adult male Tibetan yak?
If you could not answer either one, or both of these questions accuratley, then you must admit that infotmation exists, of which you are unaware.
That being said, it is then possible, that in the realm of knowledge you have not currently acquired, or have become ignorant to, there is evidence for the existence of God.
To say there is no God is an absolute statement. In order to make an absolute statement, one must have absolute knowledge, otherwise known as, omniscience.
Allow me to illustrate:
In order for me to say, "There is no gold in Indonesia," I would have to have absolute knowledge, I would have to know that within all the dust, all the earth, every rock and in every tooth in every mouth there is not even a single fleck of gold.
On the other hand, in order for me to say, "There is gold in Indonesia," all I need to be able to truthfully make that statement is to have found one tiny fleck of gold. I would not need to know everything in order to make that statement.
Last question:
Are you still an atheist, or are you now a theist?
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