Atheist "Pride" ?

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tevya1888's picture
Atheist "Pride" ?

On Atheist Republic's home page, it says "atheists and proud of it." I'm not proud of it; it's just the way it is, who I am. I do not know with any certainty that the biblical God or any god doesn't exist. Let pride and certainty fester among Christian fundamentalists. All I mean by "atheist" as it applies to me is that I'm not a theist, not that I am certain there is no God. Like my kids once said to me, "Dad, you're just as fundamentalist an anti-fundamentalist as the fundamentalists you criticize!" What do you think? Should we be proud that we're atheists?

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Tom Sarbeck's picture
What have you been telling
SammyShazaam's picture
Excellent point. Religion
mysticrose's picture
Each atheists have different
Trevor's picture
I think being an atheist is
James's picture
agreed 100%
Walker's picture
The day I see a national
James's picture
I´m actually looking forward
Lauren's picture
It seems like this can apply
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed. I know some people
Diego Javier Noguera Rico's picture
I'm one of those people who
Trevor's picture
I think we have all
Matty Arnold's picture
Proud may not be exactly the
SammyShazaam's picture
Oh, there should certainly be
mysticrose's picture
Maybe its rightful to be
Walker's picture
I think all people should

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