Atheist Mega-Churches

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Carolann Neely-Engelhaupt's picture
Atheist Mega-Churches

I'm wondering what others think about atheist mega-churches that are now forming in the US, UK, and Australia. The founders are Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans. I understand that atheists want to find like minded people. To me, however, the "mega-churches" concept seems almost as if these people are forming an atheist religion. It seems they are copying the practices of other churches, i.e., meeting on Sunday, erecting large edifices, passing a collection plate, and following other practices involved in a religious church service. The only difference is the lack of worship of a god. So please let me know what you think. I'd be interested to hear other opinions on the subject. You can find more information about the churches at

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mysticrose's picture
I don't agree with such
Leticia's picture
Well put!!
SammyShazaam's picture
I know that some atheists
Carolann Neely-Engelhaupt's picture
Well thought out comment.
Carolann Neely-Engelhaupt's picture
Well thought out comment.
Spewer's picture
Since atheists are united
Carolann Neely-Engelhaupt's picture
I understand there are those
efpierce's picture
I have heard atheism is the
Sheldon's picture
Atheism can't be a religion,
Zaphod's picture
Interesting, strange to say
Carolann Neely-Engelhaupt's picture
Zaphod's picture
Hmm, not exactly my cup of
Woeler's picture
We should not lower ourselves
Zaphod's picture
Agreed, if imitation is the
efpierce's picture
They are like the christian
ginamoon's picture
I do not think that they can
aberingi's picture
I think that it is a good
Leticia's picture
It sounds to me like a
efpierce's picture
I agree with you! It's the
mattyn's picture
So since this atheist mega
firebolt's picture
I think I am misunderstanding
Zaphod's picture
I am not sure if these
mickron88's picture
"Atheist Mega-Churches"
Cognostic's picture
Could not disagree more.
Cognostic's picture
@Aberingi: " Our mission: to
arakish's picture
Is not Atheist Republic an on
mickron88's picture is a church....AR
Sheldon's picture
"Stand-up comedians Sanderson
Cognostic's picture
I don't think so. Say
Sheldon's picture
OK found their charter:


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