Atheist High School of Free Thinking

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Anonymous's picture
Atheist High School of Free Thinking

I've been told that an atheist high school wouldn't be possible because "there's nothing to teach". I disagree. There would be a mathematics, science, etc. departments, of course. In addition, there would be Philosophy 101: Logic, History of Atheism, Religious Theory... and of course, a football team, and a school carnival.

What would you add?

Seriously, Is an atheist school possible?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
How about a class on how to
Sheldon's picture
"How about a class on how to
Tin-Man's picture
Suggested classes:
Sheldon's picture
All schools should be secular
arakish's picture
Sheldon: "All schools should
Cognostic's picture
All HS are technically
Tin-Man's picture
Anonymous's picture
"All HS are technically
Cognostic's picture
I concede writing. I got
curtisabass's picture
And the high school team name
David Killens's picture
Many nations with a high
Ramo Mpq's picture
Sheldon's picture
If a child's education is
Anonymous's picture
Sheldon, you make an
Sheldon's picture
Sadly I'm not sure you can
chimp3's picture
There is an Atheist Summer
Anonymous's picture
Hai! I heard about this camp
chimp3's picture
.No, looks fun though!
arakish's picture
We need one of those for
Anonymous's picture
arakish re: AthCon
Nyarlathotep's picture
computer programming would be
Anonymous's picture
Nylar, is it really that bad?
Nyarlathotep's picture
I guess I phrased it wrong. I
Anonymous's picture
Nylar, thank you for
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I'm not trying to say
Anonymous's picture
"just from things I observe
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
Spreadsheets are an old
David Killens's picture
Just my opinion, but it
arakish's picture
@ David
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ David & Arakish


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