The atheist community is no longer for me

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Seaofmadness's picture
Not really. I can't be a

Not really. I can't be a religious zealot if I don't believe in religion.

Usagi's picture
@ Sea Of Madness- I think you

@ Sea Of Madness- I think you are rather confused there mate. You say that we atheists that like to bring up issues and speak out are miserable beings yet we aren't the ones that keep saying that we don't give a shit about anyone or anything. You, my friend, are the miserable one and if you don't care about anything then I don't care to respect your opinions or views. I care about humanity and I care about the Earth and all those around me.

~If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
Desmond Tutu

Seaofmadness's picture
My position is derived mostly

My position is derived mostly out of boredom with the atheist community. I'm just tired of being on the side of the outraged, and coincidentally I don't see a problem with having Christianity openly espoused and supported in public. Secularists will never achieve what they want anyway. Religiosity is here to stay and showing no signs of dying. I suspect the statistics reflect people reclassifying their positions rather than changing their minds.

LogicFTW's picture
You are going to find here on

You are going to find here on atheist boards, the more outraged atheist, (frequently because they faced a lot of persecution, simply for their lack of belief in god.) Most atheist (the ones you do not see on these boards,) are simply atheist, and do not say anything are not outraged, they are just peacefully atheist and do not feel a need to discuss it. There are plenty of outraged Christians that want their way very strongly. Go hang out at an entrance to an abortion clinic if you want to witness a bunch of Christians trying to force their ideals on women going through one of the most difficult processes in their lives.

As I have said before religion is on the serious decline. 100 years ago the amount of seats in various churches in this country was around 80-90 percent of the population of the country. Now it is around 20 percent. (Yes I am aware many of the popular churches hold multiple congregations which allow their seats to pull double or triple duty.) But the stark decline of religion is still there. 100 years ago the entire community revolved around the local churches, now its an afterthought except in small rural America. People joke the NFL owns Sunday, not churches.

Exactly people are reclassifying their positions, tons and tons of Christians that christian only in name, and only celebrate a few holidays (which has turned into a commercial entity, more than a religious thing,) and special events.

We atheist on these boards are fighting for stopping the more extremist Christians from enacting their agenda, and to stop the puppeteer tactics the elite few that use religion for. You only have to look at history to see all through history how the elite few controlled the masses through religion, (as well as other tools.)

mykcob4's picture
After reading ALL of your

After reading ALL of your posts, I have come to the conclusion that you are a curmudgeon. There all sorts of curmudgeons. You are a defeatist. When you first came here you displayed such a defeatist attitude that people worried that you would attempt to kill yourself. Even when we as a group reached out you were insulting and combative.
Now you go on this rant of Liberal bashing and atheists bashing. You demean protest or just standing up for individual freedom.
This is a mental problem and you do need help.
So I suggest that you get off your ass, quit ranting, and get some much-needed help.

Lemna Minor's picture
You know what? You sound like

You know what? You sound like someone with a psychological (not clinical!!) depression, who doesn't have the courage to work himself out of it, and instead of taking responsibility and pulling himself together, looking for valid help, is turning himself into an attention grabbing idiot. Stop that! At least try to become a decent person again. Give yourself a break, but learn to love and to care again - yeah, life sucks, people suck more, but saying "I can't" is no attitude for a human being with a brain and basic dignity.
Read Kant, read poetry, have a walk in nature. Make some voodoo-dolls, enjoy symbolically killing your enemy, but then throw them away and do something good. Again and again I can recommend: Look at a puppy playing! And pamper yourself some - get counselling, if need be, but then get back into track and start caring again, because nihilism is just the shittiest attitude EVER!

Courage, brother!!!

Lemna Minor's picture
p.S. A real life puppy -

p.S. A real life puppy - somewhere outside, youtube won't do for this, your condition is serious!! Good luck!


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