Atheist Challenge

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Pathway Machine's picture
Atheist Challenge

This challenge isn't meant for atheist who have no interest in discussing the Bible, it is intended for those atheists who claim the Bible is historically or scientifically incorrect, or includes contradictions or has some otherwise harmful or negative effect upon you, the average atheist.

Tell me why you think the Bible is "wrong," or "stupid," or "pointless," or "harmful," etc.

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ginamoon's picture
I am not an atheist but I
Pathway Machine's picture
Okay, I never really thought
mattyn's picture
I never really thought about
JahLive's picture
It is certainly important to
Pathway Machine's picture
As always you have some
JahLive's picture
You sir, have certainly done
Pathway Machine's picture
Part of doing my homework
JahLive's picture
My favorite historical time
Pathway Machine's picture
Ah, Rambam. "From Moses to
Pathway Machine's picture
For some reason my edit
Boogie13's picture
I would like to say that i've
Zaphod's picture
One could say in short the
Pathway Machine's picture
Shock of God's picture
Sit down and read the Bible.
JahLive's picture
Okay, I think there is
Spewer's picture
The Bible itself isn't
SammyShazaam's picture
Wow, I think you are really
JahLive's picture
Is this in response to my
SammyShazaam's picture
Actually, I was referring to
PsychoSarah's picture
There are portions of the
SammyShazaam's picture
Good points, but I'll also
CyberLN's picture
A good read at this point in

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