An atheist in a catholic uni

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anurag's picture
An atheist in a catholic uni

I am planning (almost destined) to study Nuclear Med Tech at Wheeling Jesuit University (WJU), West Virginia. WJU isa catholic university.

- How fair is it for an atheist to join catholic university ?

- What could be the possible problems that an atheist might have to face ?

- Talk on the bright side too, if any !

PLease leave yoursugesstions so that I can makebest decision, before itz any late !

- If you have any stuff to ask, feelfree to contact me at ~

- You can email me if you find it more comfortable ~

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CyberLN's picture
Here are some thoughts: Many
SammyShazaam's picture
Hmm... not sure if I would go
AstroNila's picture
If you do not know where to
Jimmyallace's picture
Having tried several online
brandon28283's picture
Marketers will need to

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