The Atheist Atrocities Fallacy

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ThePragmatic's picture
The Atheist Atrocities Fallacy

A common version of this argument is: "Hitler was an Atheist, Stalin was an Atheist, and they killed millions of people!"

Sometime Pol Pot or other actors are brought into the argument as well.

This argument is referred to as "The Atheist Atrocities Fallacy", and this fallacy is all to common. It is ignorant and naive.

Atheism, "the lack of belief in a god or gods", is only that and nothing more: A stance on the question of belief in a god.
It is in neither a religious or a political doctrine.

Hitler was by no means a confirmed atheist. Some say he was, some say he wasn't.
But for the sake of argument, assuming that he was an atheist: Does anyone really claim to believe that Hitler was motivated to kill Jews and start a World War because of 'lack of faith in a god or gods'?
Or does anyone think Stalin killed all those people because 'the lack of proof for god caused him to become unconvinced of gods existence'?
Does anyone think that people ever have been killed in the honour of 'no god at all'?

To me, this alone is enough to put an end to that argument. If they believed in a god or not is irrelevant.


For those of you who still has the need to pursue the argumentation, here is some interesting information on the subject.

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watchman's picture
Regardless of the of the
Apollo's picture
Watchman you are assuming
CyberLN's picture
Cso you're saying that the
watchman's picture
Apollo ..... I assume nothing
Apollo's picture
There are no statistics
ImFree's picture
“To me, this alone is enough
Apollo's picture
*Some* theists argue about
ImFree's picture
Your quick to use an ad
ImFree's picture
Apollo the fact that you were
Apollo's picture
ImFree's picture
Your the one that believes in
ImFree's picture
Your the one that believes in
Valiya's picture
watchman's picture
Valiya .....
Valiya's picture
Hi Watchman
Mangal Das's picture
Hitler was an Atheist, Stalin
CyberLN's picture
Galileo was not killed.
Nordic Fox's picture
Nordic Fox's picture
Hitler was a devout Catholic,
CyberLN's picture
I think there is a distinct
Apollo's picture
The bottom line is Atheists
Nordic Fox's picture
Atheism has never been a
Apollo's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
This is seems to be the only
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
74% Christians.
Apollo's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Theists in prison generally
ThePragmatic's picture
Apollo's picture
I lack belief in objective
psgamer92's picture
Hello Apollo, happy to have


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