Atheism vs Agnostic (video #28 may 2015)

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Apollo's picture
Atheism vs Agnostic (video #28 may 2015)

I recently viewed this interesting video for my own edification. Many points came to mind. 1

1) One opinion expressed was that agnostics lack belief in God, therefore agnostics are atheists.


That personal subjective view overlooks the fact that agnostics also lack belief in atheism. If they didn't lack belief in atheism too, they would call themselves atheist, in lieu of agnostic. Agnostics suspend committing to atheism and theism due to not knowing, hence they can not be deemed atheist. 'Atheist" is not a broader umbrella term that includes "agnostic".

2) Armin stated at one point that "lack of evidence is enough for lack of belief..." But "lack of evidence" is a personal subjective evaluation. People are not required to accept such subjective, out of the blue claims as "a lack of evidence" Prove there is a lack of evidence.

3) Around minute 45 Todd states there is a difference between belief and knowledge, as if they are in separate compartments. I see no evidence for such separate compartments. Tod's belief in the separation of belief and knowledge was an idea floated and bandied about some 100 years ago, and was virtually abandoned by 1950. By the early 1970's it had been thoroughly trounced and no serious thinker backs that idea any more.

In order to know something, you must believe it, and it must be true. I have trouble coming up with an example of something someone knows that they also disbelieve, or that they don't believe. It is very obvious to me, that people believe things they think they know. I see no dividing line between belief and knowledge. In fact, you must believe first before you can know.

Earlier in the video, Michael made some comments on belief that appear to be on the right track. He is attempting to educate atheists that you do have beliefs and you act on your beliefs. See around minute 18 in the video. If there were more atheists such as Michael, I suspect there would be less confusion and incoherence in this forum.

4) Andrew. he comments that if you say there is no God, then you shift the burden of proof to yourself. I believe this is correct. Many atheists seem to uncritically accept the (unproven) claim, " there is no evidence for God...". that claim is just a subjective belief.

5) Makeesha comments that belief/knowledge issue 'keeps tripping us up.'
She is correct. Andrew, Makeesha and to a degree, Michael are on the right track.

Michael refers to a Qualia Soup video on epistemology that presents a partly clarifying and partly problematic perspective. More on that in a different thread.

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LogicFTW's picture
Apollo's picture
That is a fair question.
Sheldon's picture
Apollo "My "god idea" as you
Apollo's picture
1. In my reply to a question
Sheldon's picture
Apollo "My "god idea" as you
CyberLN's picture
Apollo, you wrote, “My "god
Sheldon's picture
Apollo "My "god idea" as you
David Killens's picture
@ Apollo
NewSkeptic's picture
Sure, if you want to take it
Apollo's picture
1. you claim that you know
NewSkeptic's picture
Do you have any comprehension
CyberLN's picture
Apollo, you wrote, “Given
Cognostic's picture
@apollo: So you are going
David Killens's picture
@ Apollo
Sheldon's picture
Are theists not allowed to
Apollo's picture
1. One thing I note right off
Sheldon's picture
Apollo "One thing I note
Sheldon's picture
Apollo "Armin stated at one
Apollo's picture
1. I don't believe unicorns
Sheldon's picture
Apollo " I don't believe
algebe's picture
@Apollo: I don't believe
LogicFTW's picture
Apollo's picture
I think you misunderstand
Sheldon's picture
Apollo "For example, in the
Cognostic's picture
@ALL: It's time for Sheldon
Sheldon's picture
You're being overly generous,
Sheldon's picture
Aw bless, someone just
LogicFTW's picture
boomer47's picture
MTheory's picture
I think Apollo is Justin


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