Atheism and tragedy

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Zblev's picture
Atheism and tragedy

I was recently in a motorcycle accident that took my ankle and foot. On top of the amputation I broke my femur in a few spots and cracked my knee cap. To get to my point though is at no point during any of this did I experience depression, sadness or anger. Despite most of my family hoping that I would finally find "God" in all of this my attitude pre accident and post were the same. I've yet to feel sorrow or anger. I trusted my medical staff and doctors to make the right calls and trusted their logic as well as my own. I'm curious if any of you guys have experienced anything like this. I know athiest come in all shapes and sizes and behavioral types. But I feel being an athiest and having logic is what got me through this.

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Pitar's picture
Similar accident, similar
Pitar's picture
BTW, glad you came away alive
CyberLN's picture
Cancer...I found no need to
ThePragmatic's picture
Very interesting question.
Zblev's picture
Thank you guys for sharing.

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