Atheism a religion?

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TheGreatSam's picture
Atheism a religion?

Why do you think its so hard for religious people to understand that Atheism is not a religion?
That seems to be their go to line these days. "If you think religions are bad why are you an Atheist?".. Not that any of their arguments are really valid or make much sense haha, but this one really bothers me. I just don't see how they think not believing in any god is a religion?
Am I wrong or what?

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manoj0071991's picture
Of course, atheism is a
CyberLN's picture
btw, Mano, you said, "
manoj0071991's picture
Wikipedia definition of
CyberLN's picture
Well, obviously, our
SammyShazaam's picture
You're fundamentally wrong.
freethinker's picture
Thank you ...I never thought
SammyShazaam's picture
And by the same token you
the_elf's picture
Also, anti-theist doesn't
nttnt's picture
The definition of religion is
Raadhesh's picture
To Begin with Atheism does
Raadhesh's picture
To Begin with Atheism does
CyberLN's picture
Religion requires belief.
Zaphod's picture
"Perhaps religious folk call
Lmale's picture
You owned him lol
Spewer's picture
TheGreatSam wonders, "Why do
manoj0071991's picture
Your logic is really good,
Spewer's picture
"I don't know about Isis
manoj0071991's picture
As a matter of fact, there
Spewer's picture
"What you understand by the
manoj0071991's picture
Everything else is fine,
ex-christian_atheist's picture
It isn't as if atheists have
SammyShazaam's picture
"If everything I DON'T
Lmale's picture
They always ignore the fact
rasungod0's picture
There are some atheistic
Danny Craft's picture
Ah this good old, frustrating
SammyShazaam's picture
I like that analogy, it's
Lmale's picture
I like it too
Siddharth Mukherjee's picture
No manoj u are wrong an
Lmale's picture
Simple fact is we are atheist
Lmale's picture
Turns our atheism is now a


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