Is Atheism Limited?

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Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
Is Atheism Limited?

Should Atheism be a tool to take direct action against religion or is it just limited to a shared disbelief in higher beings?
For me personally,i've always had anti-religious views but have never taken any more direct action other than debating with believers.In this connected age we live in i think there will be new opportunities to not only raise awareness of atheism as a way of life,but surely there must be new opportunities to rid mankind of this stupidity?
Today in France 12 people were murdered because of (i presume) their atheist views ie they satirized a fictional character,religion eh,who needs it...

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Michee's picture
Well acting just like they
Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
Maybe i wasn't quite clear,by
CyberLN's picture
More killing in the name of
ImFree's picture
This is the kind of lunacy
Michee's picture
This drawing is actually
maming's picture
totally brainwashed, ignorant
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
One kind of direct action is
Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
They seem to be doing a good
ThePragmatic's picture
I agree that everyone who are
Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
Well said Pragmatist,i would
Travis Hedglin's picture
Atheism is limited, but not
mysticrose's picture
The magazine only expressed

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