Atheism the future of humanity

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Mario Pelayes Ocaña's picture
Atheism the future of humanity

Atheism in particular is a trend that is increasing, the number of non-believers grows day by day, despite the fact that the religion especially the Judeo-Christian is the one that dominates worldwide, there is a percentage of the population is abandoning their belief to declare atheists or non-believers.

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LogicFTW's picture
@Mario Pelayes Jr
Whitefire13's picture
Hi Mario! Welcome! This
boomer47's picture
@Mario Pelayes.
Cognostic's picture
@MARIO: RE: "Judeo-Christian
Lion IRC's picture
Atheism is a trend which is
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: Here's a few
Lion IRC's picture
Well, it's not a religious vs
ilovechloe's picture
@Lion IRC
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
David Killens's picture
@ Old man
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: The experience of
Lion IRC's picture
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: Christianity was
boomer47's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Lion IRC - The affect of this
Lion IRC's picture
If you think "correlation don
Nyarlathotep's picture
Lion IRC - If you think
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: If you think
Lion IRC's picture
How can you say "statistics
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC:
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Lyin' Ass and his comment
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
Lion IRC: "If atheism
Lion IRC's picture
Sheldon's picture
Oh ffs, Lion IRC is now
Sheldon's picture
@Lion IRC
Whitefire13's picture
That article links it to
Tin-Man's picture
@Whitefire Re: Stick and hoop
Cognostic's picture
I will watch it tonight after
Sheldon's picture
"100 Ways to Die in the West
Whitefire13's picture
....oh right ;) ... I love


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