I struggled through the first half of the "Atheism is Dead" video. It's very jumpy and hard to watch if your attention span is more than 10 seconds. There is an offscreen voice talking very fast to a selection of "atheist" straw men, who become moronically tongue-tied and incoherent in the light of Christian commonsense. Any atheist on this forum could have knocked down the so-called logic.
This trash is interspersed with out-of-context clips of Richard Dawkins, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Lawrence Krauss, and even David Attenborough.
I was interested to hear the narrator list cows and chickens among the animals created complete and perfect by god. I think both are the results of selective breeding by humans over millennia. A lot of time is spent talking about chickens and eggs and whether the first egg from the first chicken was fertilized.
Some of the more interesting arguments:
You became an atheist because you like to watch porn and have extra-marital sex. Believing in god would hinder that.
Ink, paper and words do not assemble themselves spontaneously into books. Your DNA is more complex than a book. Therefore god made it.
Every animal is complete. There are no people with half-evolved legs or eyes, so evolution is wrong.
Nothing can come from nothing. Therefore, someone (god) must have created the universe.
I'll report again when I feel strong enough to sit through the second half without smashing my TV.
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