Atheism in ancient times

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Raminagrobis's picture
Atheism in ancient times

I've always thought atheism started roughly with the Age of Enlightenment. And maybe some precursors before that, like whoever wrote the treaty of the three imposters.

But I was surprised to discover this biblical verse

Psalm 53:1 (translation : 21st Century King James Version (KJ21))
1 The fool hath said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt and have done abominable iniquity; there is none that doeth good.

So the bible, in negative terms of course, attests that even back when the psalms were written (there is no schalarly consensus on when that happened, it may have, for this part of the psalms, around 6th century BC), some people said "there is nod God". in other words, atheists were around already.

Is there any other evidence of ancient atheism ?

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johnwmstevens's picture
Atheism is as old as man
Quintus Simia's picture
It is important to first
charvakheresy's picture
The Hindu Manuscripts written
watchman's picture
"Is there any other evidence
Pitar's picture
Man was not originally imbued

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