Atheism In 10 Years Time

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Arellius's picture
Atheism In 10 Years Time

Where do you think Atheism will be in 10 years time ?
Will it still be stuck with slow growing numbers and will Atheists still be seen as heathen ? Or will the world open up more, bit by bit where religion slowly dies out and in a centuries time the tables will have turned. Instead of two/thirds of the world being religious they will either be Atheist or simply non-believers.

I'm willing to argue that religion is no longer necessary, like Christopher Hitchens once said; it was a nice attempt at making sense of things.

Now I think it's high time to move on, but will the rest of the world think so, too ?

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Sigmund_Fraud's picture
I'm hopeful the tide is
whud91's picture
As a teacher I am amazed that
efpierce's picture
Ten years out, we will still
SammyShazaam's picture
I don't know that 10 years
Chatu's picture
I think the number will
SammyShazaam's picture
I agree with you on the fact
jordtame's picture
I think it will change
Zaphod's picture
Ok finally deciding to weigh
efpierce's picture
Very well said Zaph! We will
Phertzog93's picture
As whud91 said, the amount of
mattyn's picture
I have to disagree with you
firebolt's picture
Yes, travel through the U.S.
Phertzog93's picture
I see what you mean. I must

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