Atheism 1-10

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Atheism 1-10

What's your atheism score from 1-10. "We" rate things or ideas all the time even subconsciously. Even though we may not give it a number you may like vanilla ice cream a lot(9) or not so much(5). Politically you may be a (9) conservative(Tea Party) or a liberal (2). Rating things or ideas from 1-10 we do it all the time even though we may not give it a number. The 1-10 scale may work for most "things" or "ideas" but not so much for an atheist. I am not talking about agnostics who on the "God" scale may be 7 or 8 or 9 there is no God. But an atheist can only be a 10 on the "God" scale. Atheism is all the way(10)--there is no God,- none, absolutely positively no doubt there is no God. Atheists can only be a 10 (no God). This 10 rating for atheists is specifically for the God in the Torah, bible, or Koran. The bible of Adam and Eve and the talking snake or Noah's Arc or Jesus born of a virgin and resurrected from the dead, or Islam and the 72 or 73 virgins in paradise if you kill enough infidels. Atheist can only be a (10) there is no God. Think about it for a second or awhile. Can you imagine there is anyway you have any doubts at all there is no God. If you are an atheist -you can only be a10 atheist. Adam and Eve and the talking snake is so ridiculously impossible and unbelievable and a thousand other things in the Torah, bible, or Koran that you can only be a 10 atheist. If you are a theist(there is an all "being" God up in Heaven).You can be a 6 or 7 or 8 or 4 or 2 or 10 or whatever. Your belief( in God) no matter how secure can be anything from 1-10. It is possible to be a 10(on the God scale) but your belief can also be anything from 1-10. A theist "beliefs" can be very secure(no doubt at all)and is probably a psychopath (10) or anywhere from 1-10.. But a atheist can only be a 10 there is no imaginary man(God) up in heaven. To test this theory----Try to imagine there is a burning bush giving the ten commandments to Moses or God killing the whole world in the flood so Noah can save millions of animals including dinosaurs on the Arc. Can your belief in these stories be so pathetically, profoundly, absolutely ridiculous that you can only be a 10.There many ideas, thoughts, or beliefs that can range in scale from 1-10 on how you "feel" about things. But if you are an atheist you can only be a 10.... God Bless

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Nutmeg's picture
I'm glad you've taken my
Anonymous's picture
Nutmeg--Or should I say NUT
ThePragmatic's picture
Anonymous's picture
Pragmatic--Your stupid half
ThePragmatic's picture
"you continue to act like a
ThePragmatic's picture
Kenny, perhaps you could
Nutmeg's picture
You're funny. Still can't fix
Travis Hedglin's picture
You know, I am fundamentally
Anonymous's picture
Nutmeg, Pragmatic, Travis,
Travis Hedglin's picture
"...this time I won't return
Anonymous's picture
Travis---Maybe this will get
Travis Hedglin's picture
I doubt it, but one can hope.
Anonymous's picture
Travis-Love and Kisses.
Travis Hedglin's picture
Thanks for giving me your
ThePragmatic's picture
Nutmeg's picture
Honestly, please don't ban
Travis Hedglin's picture

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