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curtisabass's picture

I received a note from Atheist Republic that a supposed astrophysicist has posted her belief in the bible. The tweet went:

Sarah Salviander, an astrophysicist, took to Twitter why she converted from atheism to Christianity. This was her tweet:

I was raised atheist, but became Christian because:

– Genesis is consistent with science
– The legal-historical case for Jesus is strong
– Christianity is the source of things I cherish
– Christianity is the best explanation for evil
– Christianity gives me meaning and hope.

Has she lost her friggin' mind? I can grant her number 3 and 5. But the rest? Wow. Where did she get her degree - Moody Bible College?

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Sky Pilot's picture
People love to believe in
watchman's picture
Article from Nov 2015
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Watchman
Cognostic's picture
And what are her reasons for
David Killens's picture
My apologies to the good
Firsay's picture
Thanks for the information.
ishaan's picture
So, chain her hands and then

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