Asking about atheism

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Nat Khalinsky's picture
Asking about atheism

Hello guys, I am a 16 year old from Australia, I would currently call myself a Christian but I join because I want to find out more about about all this religious stuff and want to learn what both sides say. So something I would really like to know is why you are an atheist? I don’t really want to hear ‘there is no evidence’ I’d rather hear stories of if you were theist and why made you change your mind.
Looking forward to asking more questions and discussing more about this.

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ZeffD's picture
Welcome Nat K.
Terminal Dogma's picture
Sorry but for me personally
David Killens's picture
Hello Nat, welcome.
Sushisnake's picture
Hi Nat.
Blue Heron's picture
It was a long process for me.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Nat
CyberLN's picture
Welcome to AR.
Alembé's picture
Hi Nat,
mickron88's picture
"why you are an atheist?"
Tin-Man's picture
@Q Re: "God turned me into
mickron88's picture
i don't get this millennials
Cognostic's picture
@ Nat Khalinsky "I want to
Steeeee's picture
The 2 sides are theists and
Cognostic's picture
There is not an argument.
Dave Matson's picture
Cognostic's picture
Yes, The God of the Bible for
Steeeee's picture
Even if one side is making
Dave Matson's picture
Steeeee's picture
Sure but he's assuming Nat's
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
Give it up! You are just
Cognostic's picture
@ Nat "I don’t really want
Sheldon's picture
Hello, and sorry, as I am an
arakish's picture
Well come Nat Khalinsky;
Sapporo's picture
I firstly became an atheist
watchman's picture
chimp3's picture
Mainly I stopped believing
Kataclismic's picture
Everyone is an atheist. We
charvakheresy's picture
I initially believed that
LogicFTW's picture
@ Nat's original post


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