Ask Me Anything

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ʝօɦn 6lX ɮʀeeʐy's picture
Ask Me Anything

In Spirit recently asked how members can return after being banned. The response was by "following the rules, and perhaps repudiating they past behavior."

I don't recall breaking forum guidelines. Instead, I was accused of sockpuppet-ing a user by the name of ProgrammingGodJordan. I was a fairly active user with a narrow topic of interest: psychology. In contrast, PGJ posted about mathematics and computer science. Topics which I know nothing about; but I suppose that if the brain can make constellations out of stars, it can easily create a connection between me and PGJ

Given that I've always followed the rules and the PGJ accusations were not substantiated, the only past behavior I can atone for is my tendancy to ignore questions that are irrelevant to a given topic. For example, being asked if I'm a YEC when the topic is Consciousness.

Thus my best attempt at redemption, if our infallible Mods will grant mercy, is an "Ask Me Anything" thread. I'll start with an often asked but rarely informative question: My denomination is SDA.

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Sheldon's picture
It's their past behaviour,
ʝօɦn 6lX ɮʀeeʐy's picture
There's a lot in that
Sheldon's picture
So none then, same old Breezy
Cognostic's picture
@Breezy. Your online name
ʝօɦn 6lX ɮʀeeʐy's picture
The question is only
Cognostic's picture
It does not matter if
ʝօɦn 6lX ɮʀeeʐy's picture
Gaps are what have the
Cognostic's picture
@Breezy: Do you know what a
Tin-Man's picture
ʝօɦn 6lX ɮʀeeʐy's picture
Yes I know what theories are.
Sheldon's picture
@ʝօɦn 6lX ɮʀeeʐy
ʝօɦn 6lX ɮʀeeʐy's picture
The answer isn't no; if the
Alchemy's picture
How are ya Sheldon!
Sheldon's picture
Did anyone understand any of
Alchemy's picture
@Sheldon "Did anyone
Sheldon's picture
Your post was complete
toto974's picture
What the hell was Alchemy's
Nyarlathotep's picture
I.kept thinking.I was.having
Alchemy's picture
"I.kept thinking.I was.having
Cognostic's picture
@Alchemy: RE: "Lol this I
terraphon's picture
I stopped reading at "ppl"
Mary9121's picture
lol I remember my response
CyberLN's picture
I am conferring with Nyar.
Cognostic's picture
How about if he answers
Alchemy's picture
Your another person who had a
Cognostic's picture
@Alchemy: I am honestly not
Alchemy's picture
Well sorry for the Kid
CyberLN's picture
Alchemy, please share your
Alchemy's picture
Intelligence is more of a
CyberLN's picture
I’m going to copy/paste this


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