Art, music, architecture

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CyberLN's picture
Art, music, architecture

Do you think religious music (Redemption Song, Amazing Grace, etc.), artwork (Corpus Hypercubus, The Pieta, etc.), or architecture (the Pantheon, Santuario de las Lajas, etc.) are any less beautiful because of their subject matter?

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algebe's picture
I can appreciate the
david homer's picture
This thought-provoking
Grinseed's picture
@ CyberLN


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boomer47's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cyber
Cognostic's picture
@Cyber: No
Dworkin's picture
dogalmighty's picture
You seem to be fixated on
Grinseed's picture
Its a welcome break from
Kreston's picture
Personally, I absolutely love
demik's picture
I have a channel on twitch
Nammarok's picture
Well maybe architecture looks
victorpatrick's picture
Religious artwork, like
olidajin's picture
I usually set them as
WilliamBarnett's picture
Firstly, It you has few
david homer's picture
Get your music heard without
CharlesBarton's picture
As far as I know Spotify is
Donnovan's picture
What i think is that art is
Nammarok's picture
Well yes i can agree. I can
Beiriver's picture
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