Arguments for God

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Asclepius32's picture
Arguments for God

I was discussing with my Islamic studies professor about some arguments that "atheists" use that refute the concept of God (yes, I am a closeted atheist). He referred to the teleological argument; where everything is grand and perfect to the microscopic level, hence it must be created. I referred to him the basic refutation: "If such a grand universe is created, then such a grand thing that created the universe must be created", the atheists would say, I said. He "tried" to refute this argument by saying: "If the creator is created, then he's not the creator." I'm not an expert in philosophy but this seems to be related to logic and I ended the discussion from there. If someone can please elaborate on his refutation, and explain to me a refutation for his refutation. Thank you.

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arakish's picture
@ Asclepius
Cognostic's picture
"Where everything is grand
Cognostic's picture
You are just allowing him to
Sheldon's picture
What he's using is a logical
Cognostic's picture
Ewww... Special pleading -
Nyarlathotep's picture
Seems to depend on the hidden
Imprecise's picture
If there is some metaphysical
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens's picture
The first part of his
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
rat spit's picture
Hairy Scrotum. Nice. :)
algebe's picture
Asclepius: "If the creator is
Randomhero1982's picture
I would argue that everything
Cognostic's picture
What I like about these
Devans99's picture
Asclepius: There is a
Sheldon's picture
"There is a possibility of an
David Killens's picture
David Killens's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens,
Ramo Mpq's picture
Sheldon's picture
Oh you wannt to pretend to
arakish's picture
X-Files Man: "I read 1 or 2
algebe's picture
@Searching for Truth: If a

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