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Ricardo's picture

How to refute this Theistic argument?
It is impossible to prove the non-existence of God!
Theists always make this point in conversations with me!

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Kundalino - It is impossible
David Killens's picture
This is a tactic of
Ricardo's picture
They claim that it is
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kundalino - They claim that
Cognostic's picture
@Kundalino: "Prove" would
jeevion's picture
It is equally impossible to
Ricardo's picture
Can theistic cognitive
Cognostic's picture
RE: Cognitive Dissonance: In
Ricardo's picture
They also say to me, WITHOUT
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kundalino - They also say to
Ricardo's picture
Why ?
xenoview's picture
Ask them to prove that morals
Nyarlathotep's picture
That isn't an argument.
boomer47's picture
You don't have to refute
Cognostic's picture
@Kundalino: RE: WITHOUT GOD,
jeevion's picture
RE: They also say to me,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Aggie
Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh I'd love to see them
Cognostic's picture
@A Gnostic Agnostic: More
LogicFTW's picture
Ricardo's picture
They also use the following
boomer47's picture
Again, no refutation is
Cognostic's picture
Kundalino: Um... It is not
Ricardo's picture
There are no atheists in
LogicFTW's picture
There are no atheists in
Ricardo's picture
@LogicFTW: "What do you think
David Killens's picture
Then tell those theists that
LogicFTW's picture
Simon Moon's picture
This is extremely inaccurate
Ricardo's picture
Another argument from Theists


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