Aren't you tired....

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mykcob4's picture
Aren't you tired....

...of the new theists, that join this forum? Their false indignation. Their lack of answering the simplest question. Their crackpot theories that we collectively shoot gaping holes through only to be called names for even questioning their myths.
I know I am. I am not a grammar NAZI but Andrewcgs (at least I think it is he), uses no punctuation, no capitals (as if he is e.e. cummings), and blathers in streams of consciousness that are incoherent. Then there are the apologist, the surrogates that defend these inane ideas. Their tactic is to call everyone immature if they don't agree with the OP.
I really like how they try to sound intelligent, as if we haven't all seen that tactic before, but if you look closely, you can see they don't have a clue about what they are talking about.
My biggest pet peeve is the false indignation.
A thread is started.
A theist makes a claim.
That theist is challenged on that claim.
And OMG you'd think the world had ended.
In may cases the theist has forgotten the original post, which is WHY they were challenged in the first place.
This is a good forum. I want it to stay that way. I just thought I would air what is painfully obvious to the most casual observer.

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Deforres's picture
Aired, observed, and noted.
the_believer's picture
I have yet to meet a strong
Deforres's picture
Revision is not my goal. I'm
the_believer's picture
Then 'The Debate Room' may be
Deforres's picture
Perhaps. But when several
the_believer's picture
Well, that's part of the fun
Deforres's picture
I still remember an piece of
Endri Guri's picture
Maybe it would be a lot more
Endri Guri's picture
Maybe it would be a lot more
mykcob4's picture
Several people on this forum
Deforres's picture
You certainly don't take
mykcob4's picture
Nope, never have. I spent 22
Deforres's picture
10 years in the Russian Air
the_believer's picture
I am not a theist; I play the
Deforres's picture
I think the existence of such
mykcob4's picture
Maybe I have you confused
Deforres's picture
Me? I'm not sure you have the
ThePragmatic's picture
I think mykcob4 was referring
charvakheresy's picture
Your profile page says you
the_believer's picture
Unlike the atheist (and the
Deforres's picture
I still contest that such a
the_believer's picture
On what grounds? You make it
Deforres's picture
Your speaking of a deity
the_believer's picture
I see why you think that such
Deforres's picture
I can except that. So long as
Deforres's picture
Something that seeks to
Nyarlathotep's picture
M. V. Reeves - "Therefore,
the_believer's picture
I would, but it would not be
Nyarlathotep's picture
M. V. Reeves - "I would of
the_believer's picture
Physics tells us to add


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