Are You and I Addicts?

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trustyoursources's picture
Are You and I Addicts?

I believe you and I as well as all humans as an entire species are addicts to three of the hardest drugs. I made a documentary about this topic which includes interviews with experts confirming and denying the facts in question. Do you believe that we as a species are addicted to Eating, Drinking, and Breathing? I would love your thoughts.

My Addiction Documentary Link:

Sobriety - The Mission to Achieving Christ Consciousness



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LostLocke's picture
Alcohol addicts tend to feel
trustyoursources's picture
Well you can't just stop the
Tin-Man's picture
@Trust Re: Withdrawals
Tin-Man's picture
Hi, everybody. My name is Tin
trustyoursources's picture
Hi Tin-man.
MCDennis's picture
Why would you describe the
trustyoursources's picture
Because we do it compulsively
Sushisnake's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Krazy789's picture
Indeed where all natural born
mykcob4's picture
@ Keith
Sushisnake's picture
Cognostic's picture
That's like saying we are
LostLocke's picture
You're confusing "addiction"
CyberLN's picture
Addicted to breathing? Oy.
bigbill's picture
breathing comes naturally as
Randomhero1982's picture
I would not consider these

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