Are there really lost books in the bible?

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mysticrose's picture
Are there really lost books in the bible?

Upon browsing the internet, I learned that there are lost books that are rejected to be included in the bible. These books include writings from Enoch, Adam & Eve, apostles, and other people who wanted to contribute in the biblical history.
Have you heard about these books too? It seems that there are hidden stuffs and information that religion don't want us to know. Any opinion about it?

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Trevor's picture
My opinion about this is the
James's picture
There are countless writters
SammyShazaam's picture
True in part, but much of
samking009's picture
There are definitely some
Tman127182's picture
actually, the condex
rider's picture
I haven't heard of that
mysticrose's picture
I heard that some lost books
rider's picture
Oh really? That's interesting
SammyShazaam's picture
Wtf, those lost books are not
Lmale's picture
I know a rejected story from
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I think the Op meant LOST
Lmale's picture
I find it hard to even
Polly Ticks's picture
How can anyone today know
SammyShazaam's picture
Many of the books have been
beneames's picture
Wow I hadn't heard that they
beneames's picture
The Apocrypha (book of Enoch)
beneames's picture
Sorry, the apocrypha has the
beneames's picture
The Wars of Yahweh is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Well if we have the wars of
Mardze's picture
I don't know if there are
crippel's picture
To me, the phrase "lost

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