Are there more than one god according to the bible?

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thereare3000's picture
Are there more than one god according to the bible?

I’ve asked this question so many times and no christian been able answer.

If there is only one god, then which gods are being refered to in Exodus 20:3 ”You shall have no other gods before me”?

Some will say; it’s a metaphore - however, then god himself must be a metaphore. Other will say; it can be false/man-made gods - then how do you tell the difference?

Regardless how you try to twist and turn this - if there are no other gods, then there is no need to refer to something that doesn’t exist. Or else you need to prove the existence of ”the god” and do that in a way that disproves the others gods existence.

What’s your view? Can it really be that simple?

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dogalmighty's picture
A theologist would explain
toto974's picture
thereare3000's picture
Thanks. That's the most
dogalmighty's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Easy question: What's the
David Killens's picture
The answer is simple: the
Tin-Man's picture
Here is one of my favorites
Whitefire13's picture
It is a good one! Poor, poor
boomer47's picture
stephaniewhitlow's picture
Your question raises an
teomatiz's picture
I often attended courses to
Speedy_Biker123's picture
With four different game

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