Are there any people here who can have a discussion without bullying?

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In Spirit's picture
Are there any people here who can have a discussion without bullying?

So far in my first week I have encountered people who bully, intimidate, trash and even some atheists acting holier than thou.

Are there people here who can have a lively discussion while respecting our differences?

I am here to get an exchange of views and opinions and to get to know some interesting people on any side of the fence.

So in my second week I will not tolerate any form of harassment and will report anyone who does so but I can enjoy a great sense of humor.

I'll know soon enough if I should stay or I should go.

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Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Are there any people
In Spirit's picture
@Tin Man
Cognostic's picture
It depends. You will find
In Spirit's picture
Cognostic's picture
@In Spirit: Where did I
In Spirit's picture
@ Cognistic
Cognostic's picture
In Spirit:
In Spirit's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog and In Spirit
dogalmighty's picture
Now you are behaving in the
Randomhero1982's picture
I can see how we can all
In Spirit's picture
comoke1024's picture
I do make an effort to avoid
In Spirit's picture
@Skeptical Kevin
dogalmighty's picture
"You will find the trash talk
In Spirit's picture
@doG Point taken. Thanks
Cognostic's picture
I don't see the problem. You
In Spirit's picture


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terraphon's picture
@in Spirit
Cognostic's picture
Fuck Your Merit: You don't
In Spirit's picture
Cognostic's picture
Let's all stop the
David Killens's picture
I understand that the other
In Spirit's picture
@David Killens


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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
When many theists and those
In Spirit's picture
@Old man shouts
algebe's picture
@In Spirit: Are there people
In Spirit's picture
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
Are there any people here who
In Spirit's picture


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