Are Theists Afraid of Change?

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Andromeda's picture
Are Theists Afraid of Change?

One of the wonderful aspects of science is that it is constantly changing. As a species, our technology has evolved greatly over time. We have discovered many breakthroughs, and more are yet to come. In a nutshell, science is continuously advancing.

Do you know what hardly changes? Religion. Growing up in a Catholic school, I was taught the same thing every single year for 12 years. It makes one wonder if theists are actually afraid of change.

No breakthroughs have been discovered in religion. There is not a shred of evidence, or even reliability in the belief that prayers actually work. No new ideas have been proposed to further "improve" religion. It is the same every year, with only minor changes such as "the mass can be spoken in english" or "women can speak at the lectern".

In fact, the only changes made to the Catechism of the Catholic Church are on the topic of ethics. The Magisterium only changes doctrines once they are considered socially unacceptable (i.e., gay marriage, slavery, misogyny, murdering of non-believers, etc). It seems that to preserve the faith, the Church is stagnant unless criticized.

This brings us back to the original question: are theists afraid of change?

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dogalmighty's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Are theists afraid of
rtmcdge's picture
Not wanting to change is not
Sheldon's picture
Gerald "God can be
David Killens's picture
@ Gerald
dogalmighty's picture
ROTFLMAO...Ooops, sorry..
algebe's picture
@Gerald: God can be
Chuck80's picture
@Gerald "god makes no error"


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Sheldon's picture
"@Gerald "god makes no error"
Cognostic's picture
@New King James Version:
rtmcdge's picture
Much of what this country is
Sheldon's picture
Gerald "
Whitefire13's picture
@Gerald...”From the end of
David Killens's picture
@ Gerald
Tin-Man's picture
@Gerald Re: "...lives have
Whitefire13's picture
Great reading list!!! Tin.
Tin-Man's picture
@Whitefire Re: Judy Blume
Sheldon's picture
Good list TM, but I can't
Whitefire13's picture
@sheldon. ... Tinny listed
Sheldon's picture
"@sheldon. ... Tinny listed
Tin-Man's picture
@Sheldon Re: Book list
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Gerald
algebe's picture
@Gerald: Much of what this
ilovechloe's picture
Many white theists always
Chuck80's picture
Right they seem to forget
Lion IRC's picture
Science is good how it's
algebe's picture
@Lion IRC: Never in need of
rtmcdge's picture
Didn't see any evidence
algebe's picture
Sheldon's picture
Lion IRC "Science is good how


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