Considering the handle I have adopted, I thought I would share a passing thought.
The mammal with the greatest sense of smell are bears, notably polar bears can detect seals under thick layers of ice.
Moths have the greatest sense of hearing.
Birds of prey have the sharpest eyesight, Owls have the best night vision, Snakes likewise with thermal vision and sharks have the greatest underwater vision.
Crocodiles have the strongest bites on our planet.
Catfish have the greatest sense of taste, due in part to being covered in taste buds.
Dolphins brains are more structually complex then that of their human counterparts.
The dung beetle is the strongest creature based on strength to weight ratios.
Bottle nose dolphins in recent studies have shown greater capacity of memory then most animals including elephants.
And so on!
Given this, Are humans really as special as we think we are in the context of how some thiests believe?
This is in reference more directly to intellegent design.
BTW, this is simply food for thought!
*Edited for clarity*
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